Established 1989

The Haitian-Ameri­can Engineering Society was founded originally in 1989  by a group of Engineers and engineering students who wanted to apply their knowledge to a very noble purpose: "To develop a network of professionals devoted to Engineering, Science, and Technology, and to promote opportunities for Haitians and the communities in which they reside."

In 1997 organization;s name was changed to the Haitian-Ameri­can Association of Engineers and Scientists; (HAES) as to better reflect the varriety of those in the scientific fields joining the organization, 

The HAES’s activities and accomplishments have included:

  • periodic conferences,
  • Tech-Fairs at local schools in the US,
  • awarding of scholarships to deserving students,
  • Enviro-Tech events in Haiti,
  • CORS/GPS/GIS system installation and training at a university in Haiti,
  • computer technology training at schools in Haiti,
  • potable water system development at La Gonave,
  • technical support for electrical generator donations to remote villages in Haiti,
  • aquaculture development project in Jacmel,
  • various other projects in partnership with organizations that undertake development projects both in the US and in Haiti.



















